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Saturday, September 1, 2012

MF Chronicle Episode 01 - The Games Begin

In this episode we talk about the first three episodes of ReBoot: The Tearing, Racing the Clock, and The Quick and the Fed.

The first episode of our podcast. It's been almost a year since we first started talking about doing this. Joey and I got serious about it come spring time, but we were too busy. Once summer hit, we tried to record this almost 10 times. Due to illnesses, technical difficulties, and time zone differences, we've had to postpone. Finally we have this one finished!
I'm still working on the getting it into itunes. I had a way to do it, but alas they had a limit to how bid a file you can upload. This limit was half the size of the first episode. As such, I'm looking at alternative options.

Anyways, thanks for listening! 

Stay Frosty.
-Daniel Janes

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